Join Us!

Campers and Staff, camp life is great and you are invited to be a part of it!

Incredibly, we are heading into our 18th year of the United Youth Camps program!

Thousands of teens and staff have been a part of this treasured experience of learning God’s way of life as they enjoy the camp experience together in different parts of the United States, as well as in various nations around the world.

Our overall Christian Living theme this year is very special: “Calling, Honor and Faith.”
Campers and staff, we invite you to join us again for this great gift of seeing your friends at camp and making new ones while learning more about developing your personal relationship with your Creator God. You will see God’s way of life in action—we call it “The Zone”.

Campers, now is the time to apply to the camp(s) of your choice so you can enjoy and benefit from an action packed week! Tell your friends to apply as well.

Staff, we could not have camp without you so please join us! And parents, we thank you for your unwavering support of the UYC program but most of all, we thank you for teaching God’s way to your youth.

Happy Camping!

Steve Nutzman
UYC National Coordinator