Camp Gilmont

Camp Gilmont 2025

July 27-30, 2025

(Application deadline: April 30, 2025. Final deadline with late fee: May 30, 2025.)

We welcome all preteen campers (ages 5-12) to the East Texas Piney Woods, where Camp Gilmont will once again will host this year's South Central Region UCG preteen camp. Prepare to experience a tremendous four-day camp experience where you will learn about our awesome God, make new friends and have fun in a caring and positive environment.

Location: Camp Gilmont’s ( 400+ acres of lush forest, hills and lakes are located several miles northeast of Gilmer, Texas. The address for Camp Gilmont is: 6075 State Hwy 155, Gilmer, TX 75644.

Activities: Each day at Camp Gilmont will include a variety of outdoor and indoor activities beginning with Christian living classes to reinforce the fact that God's way of life works. Other activities include swimming in the pool, canoeing and various sports including basketball, gaga ball and more. Camp will also include crafts, team building and open play time under the pavilion with a variety of game options!

We are looking for dedicated and patient teens and adults to serve in all areas of camp, including counselors, activity coordinators and staff. Camp Gilmont offers an exciting camp experience with warm (but hopefully not too hot) Texas hospitality. We hope you'll join us! If you have any questions, email or visit

  • Campers (ages 5-12) $200* if paid by April 30, $175 each for 3+ kids from the same family
  • Teen staff (ages 13-18) $50
  • Adult staff (ages 19+) no charge
** Add $30 for each payment submitted after April 30.
You can mail your payment to:
United Camp Gilmont
PO Box 1111
Hawkins, TX 75765

Make checks payable to: "United Camp Texas"


A Venmo payment option is available. Details are in the acceptance letter.

Contact: Jim Moody
              Phone: 903-681-1437