Camp Accident Insurance
Employees of the United Church of God who serve at our camps are covered by workers’ compensation insurance. In an effort to assist our volunteer staff and campers, this page will give the details of the coverage the Church provides for them:
Volunteer staff members are strongly encouraged to carry their own personal insurance since you are not covered by workers' compensation insurance. To augment your personal coverage, the Church is providing a supplemental accident-medical policy. The coverage is subject to certain limitations.
Campers are expected to have personal medical insurance and the camp application (Health Questionnaire) requests the details on that coverage. To augment your personal coverage, the Church is providing a supplemental accident-medical policy. The coverage is subject to certain limitations.
Click here for the CLAIM FORM.
NOTE: It is the injured person’s responsibility to file all claims—the Camp Director only assists with the initial paperwork (and must sign) but does not file the actual claim—the injured person must do that. We emphasize again the importance of filing the initial notice of injury and all subsequent claims in accordance with the policy requirements.